On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, for the third quarter of the fiscal year 2024-25, the company reached 9 % shares after making an impressive five-folded jump in net profit.
Shares of high preparation of solar cells and modules increased by 9.3 % on the NSE to $ 1,170 per share in intra -day height. Later, the company’s shares were being sold at 10:15 am on the premium of $ 1,098.50 per share.
In total, with the cost of trade of 2 302.35 crore, more than 27 million shares were traded. The company’s market cap is 49,445.44 crore.
Premier Energy has reported a steady net profit of Rs 254.90 crore for the quarter of the fiscal year 25 to December quarter, which is surprising by an increase of 490 % from the performance of 43.15 crore last year for the same quarter period.
The total income for the company’s Q3FY25 is now Q 1,749.38 crore compared to 714.73 crores in Q3FY24, which means 144 % is estimated. Compared to the income of the last quarter, 1,553.59 crore, it shows a 12 % quarter increase in the quarter.
The profit margin has also increased significantly compared to the Q3 fiscal year 24, with margins now standing at 14.59 %. In the same quarter in the last financial year, the profit margins were 6.05 %.
He also increased the earnings of pre -income before interest, tax, deportation, and affirmation (EBITDA), which increased from 337.76 percent to Q3FY25 from 549.57 crore to 125.54 crores in Q3FY24 against 125.54 crores. Gone.