Sustalı Ceylan Episode 1 Trailer

Sustalı Ceylan Episode 1 Trailer

Sustalı Ceylan Episode 1 Trailer

In the 1st episode of the series “Sustali Ceylan” series, the main character in the 3rd trailer Gazelle‘s tough struggle for life and the dangers encountered come to the fore. Ceylan, a mother of a child, who was forced to get married at an early age Necmilives under the violence and oppression. Ceylan, who tries to support his family by making a dailyist, is one of the well -known names of the underground world. Atmaca BekriWhile working at the house of Atmaca’s right arm Ferhat intersects the roads with. This meeting points to the beginning of a new era in Ceylan’s life. In the trailer, Ceylan’s efforts to protect his son and his interaction with Ferhat draws attention.



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