One Night Tale 23. Episode Trailer

A Night's Tale Episode 14 Trailer 3 December New Episode Introduction

One Night Tale 23. Episode Trailer

While Mahir is worried about Canfeza’s birthday surprise, he offers a plan to make a plan together for both his birthday and Valentine’s Day. On the other hand, Raşit, who is determined to find Lord, establishes a dangerous life -and -death game with the support of Savaş. At the end of this game, either Rashit or Lord will survive.

Mahir and Canfeza go to the mountain house to spend a night alone without being unaware of the trap set up to them. The memories they share about their past and the gifts they give, while bringing their souls closer to each other, they are pregnant with a dark morning at night.

Starting in the magical atmosphere of Pamukkale and extending to Asaf Bey Mansion in Istanbul, the commissioner Mahir and the Yörük daughter Canfeza describes the impossible love. One night taleis preparing to lock the audience on the screen with its new section.



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