Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Juria Saud is an actress, host and author. He has worked in many projects in his career and he has also been an author for many. Starlett is hosting Ramadan transmission this year on Express Entertainment and received a direct call that is going viral on the Internet. She was hosting a class where people can call and ask religious scholars.

A woman named Samia called Gujranwala and she wanted to ask why Muslim women are not allowed to do so. He said that Muslim men can marry 4 women, so women should also be allowed to marry more than one man. She was thinking about it and finally said what was in her mind.

Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Jawaria Saud was also surprised at this question. The woman asked if she was a working woman and loved her one of her companions. When he is already married, all this is happening to him. She wanted to ask what she should do in this situation. The host actually asked him to control his NAF.


Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

The scholar also tried to explain everything according to the Shariah:


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Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman

Jawariya Saud Ramadan transmission calls from a cheating woman



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