Sahar Khan is a notable Pakistani TV actor. He started his showbiz career with Hum TV’s famous soap serial Sunwari. He also has 2.9 million followers on Instagram. His notable dramas are Varna, Rang Mahal, Zhob, Fairy Tale 1 and 2. Sahar Khan was recently appreciated for her stellar performance in Hum TV’s popular show Jaffa. Fans are also loving his brilliant performance in Tan Min Neil O’Neil.
The talented Sahar Khan recently shared pictures of BTS from Sultana Siddiqui’s Teen Man Neil O’Neill, written by Mustafa Afridi and directed by Saifi Hassan. The story of the drama revolves around a digital creator who falls victim to mob mentality after a conflict. Shuja Asad and his pair are very much loved by the fans in the drama serial. Here are some pictures shared by the actor:
Check out the link for the videos: