Sami Khan is a famous Pakistani TV and film actor. He rose to fame with his debut film Salakhine. His other notable television projects are Mohabbatein, Zindagi Aur Lahore, Bishr Momin, Dhani, Ishq Hai Naseeb, Essi Hai Tanai, Tasdin and Khudazar. His popular films include Raang No 2, Kaaf Kangana and Lafange. He was recently admitted to Madhouse and a Sixth C. Sami Khan’s latest drama Dunyapur is one of the most watched Pakistani dramas and he is getting appreciation for his brilliant performance in it.
Sami Khan will soon be seen in another drama serial with his co-star Sonia Hussain. He has shared an adorable video from the sets of the upcoming drama series. He is currently shooting for his project in Islamabad. Samee Khan shared a beautiful caption with the video: “Lights, camera, magic! Making moves and getting it done – with Sonia Hussain – is always next level! Stay tuned for a masterpiece in the making!” He has previously worked in Ishq Hai Naseeb, Essi Hai Tanai and Ek Chabaan Si. Here is the link to the video:
Sami Khan fans are very excited for his upcoming project but some want to see him with different actors like Sajal Ali, Iqra Aziz and Maya Ali. Sami Khan answered all the questions asked by the fans regarding his upcoming serial. Read some comments here: