Rakhi Sawant and Dodi Khan were considered a new couple in the city. Dodi Khan is a Pakistani actor we have seen in Akhara and when the news of the couple’s marriage came to the horizon, things were shocking for fans on both sides of the border. The public had different questions from both of them and everyone believed that the border was going to marry.
Rakhi Sawant is not going to become the daughter -in -law of Pakistan because Dodi Khan has said he is not going to marry her. He said that he was still standing that he would seek someone from Pakistan for Rakhi but he would not become his groom. Dodi Khan took Instagram and shared his new update about this “marriage”.
This is a new message to Rakhi Sawant and the public from Dodi Khan:
Dodi Khan has also offered Rakhi to marry her with her brother.
In this way, the public is reacting to such a new update. Many people think it was just a promotional stunt while others are criticizing Dodi: