A direction makes the final decision for the Burt Awards reunion for the honor of Liam Paine

A direction makes the final decision for the Burt Awards reunion for the honor of Liam Paine

One direction member Harry Styles, Neil Horan, Louis Tomalinson, and Zen Malik have decided against joining the upcoming Britt Awards so that they can pay tribute to their late band Mate Liam Payne. An internal man revealed that when he was offered direct performance at the next month’s event, he collectively refused, feeling that the time was not good.

The group is allegedly not planned to participate in the program, as they do not want to monitor the tribute planned for Liam. Burts host Jack White Hall is expected to recognize it Tear The singer’s death is the honor of his legacy with a dedicated class.

One source said, “It has been an emotional time for children, and they felt that the performance would be too much Daily Mail. “They are privately sad and do not see the need for big public tribute.”

Despite the hopes of fans re -unity, the internal emphasized that one direction is unlikely to return. “Zen lives in the United States, and they are all in different places of their lives. He added that the cards are not included at all.


Liam Payn died in October after falling from the third floor hotel in Argentina. He was 31 years old.



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