Annem Ankara Episode 3 Trailer 4 December Promotion New Episode Trailer

My Mother Ankara Episode 2 Trailer

My Mother Ankara Episode 3 Trailer

“My Mother Ankara” is an impressive drama series adapted from a real life story, taking the audience into the sincere atmosphere of the 90s. Produced by BKM, the series stars Bergüzar Korel and Mehmet Günsür and attracts attention with its strong cast and striking story. The script of the series, directed by Faruk Teber, is written by Başak Angigün.

“My Mother Ankara”, which tells the story of a mother who struggles to survive in Ankara with her three children, emphasizes the strength of family ties and the importance of surviving despite the difficulties of life. The struggling life of the Zuhal character is presented to the audience by blending it with emotional moments. The series, which meets the audience on Kanal D screens every Wednesday evening at 20.00, attracts attention with its nostalgic atmosphere and touching story.



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