Arka Sokaklar Episode 692 Trailer

Arka Sokaklar Episode 692 Trailer

Arka Sokaklar Episode 692 Trailer

Kanal D’s phenomenon series that keeps the audience glued to the screen every Friday evening Back Streetsmeets the audience this week with its 691st episode. In the new episode, a shocking case awaits the team.

The discovery of the body of a little girl in a neighborhood populated mostly by followers of a religious community raises public awareness. Although the incident initially appeared to be an accident, upon detailed investigation it turned out to be murder. As suspicions focus on the sheikh and his family, the secrets behind the incident come to light one by one.

Each new clue reveals different crimes committed within this community. The curtain of religion drawn to cover sins is torn with the meticulous work of Rıza Baba and his team. However, this causes the team to face pressure from various institutions. Despite all the difficulties, Rıza Baba and his team will not deviate from justice as they have done so far.


Back Streetswith its new episode on Friday, November 28 at 20.00 on Kanal D!



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