Aswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi Jahangir

Aswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi Jahangir

The case of Nazi Jahangir and Asad Aaron is once again making headlines on electronic and digital media. According to details, Asad Haroon accused actress Nazesh Jahangir of fraud and corruption about money matters. Nazi Jahangir has taken legal action against Asad Aaron and denied the allegations.

Aswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi Jahangir

Aswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi JahangirAswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi Jahangir

Today, Asad Haroon and Nazi Jahangir both appeared before the court. Aswad Aaron shared the judicial proceedings and details of the case.


Aswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi JahangirAswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi Jahangir

Aswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi JahangirAswad Aaron shared the update of the case against Nazi Jahangir

Talking about it, he said, “According to the latest update, arrest warrants against Nazesh have been issued for fraud, corruption, and threatening me. She appears in court with her lawyer, threatens me, and aggressively acts like a bird.



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