Black Heart Episode 13 Trailer 12 December Trailer

Black Heart Episode 13 Trailer 12 December Trailer

Black Heart Episode 13 Trailer

The 12th episode of the “Black Heart” series was broadcast on December 5, 2024. In this episode, Sevilay, shaken by Finally’s statements, has to confront the Şansalan family. Unable to bear the weight of the events they experienced, the twins take refuge in Tahsin; However, in this process, the bond between them goes through a serious test. While Cihan is trying to cope with the pain of betrayal, he learns that he was also deceived by his father, and this affects him deeply. Sumru, on the other hand, has difficulties in trying to stand on her own feet; Finally’s demands and his longing for his children push him to make new decisions.

The 13th episode of Black Heart will be broadcast on Show TV on December 12, 2024 at 20.00. In this episode, tension escalates when Cihan and Nuh pull guns on each other. Even though Sevilay wants to stay with Nuh, she is worried that the armed men around them will harm Nuh on Cihan’s orders. Noah is determined not to step back no matter what.



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