Conqueror of Jerusalem Selahaddin Ayyubi Episode 41 3 Trailer

Conqueror of Jerusalem Selahaddin Ayyubi Episode 41 3 Trailer

Conqueror of Jerusalem Selahaddin Ayyubi Episode 41 3 Trailer

In the 3rd trailer of the 41st episode of the TV series “Selahaddin Ayyubi, the Conqueror of Jerusalem”, Saladin accepts Countess Mila’s offer and sets out to save Kerak from the Chatillon scourge. However, he is blocked by Yaruki on the orders of Sultan Nureddin. Meanwhile, King Amalrik closes the ports of Jerusalem to the Ibelinians and leaves Balian alone. Balian is forced to appeal to Sultan Nureddin to protect his people’s right to life. On the other hand, a Bedouin named Nizar targets a large caravan coming to Cairo, putting Saladin in a difficult situation against the merchants. Rakif, the king of merchants, exchanges the goods captured by Nizar under the guise of friendship and looks for an opportunity to weaken Saladin’s reputation. How will Saladin re-establish his authority over Egypt in the face of the Caliph and Rakif’s tricks?



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