Cranberry Sherbet 91. Episode Trailer

Cranberry Sherbet 91. Episode Trailer

Cranberry Sherbet 91. Episode Trailer

While the relationship between Abdullah and Işıl is about to emerge, he manages to remain hidden at the last moment.

Moved to his new home, Nature, as he gets used to living in luxury, gradually increases and this situation begins to attract the attention of those around him. The rapid rise of expenditures disturbs Fatih.

On the other hand, sparks, while dealing with his mother’s illness, he also tries not to neglect Omar. Asude, who likes Firaz’s new girlfriend, becomes the biggest supporter of this relationship.


As the rapprochement of Sevtap and Haluk progresses, Mustafa’s conversations with Meri disturb Nilay and express his discontent.

When the big day comes, Nursema and İlhami’s engagement ceremony at the hotel shaken with an unexpected event.

Cranberry sherbeton Friday evening at 20.00 with the new episode on Show TV!



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