Imad Irfani is a supermodel turned actor who has gradually honed his craft and given some big plays. Her latest role as Adeel in Kabhi Mae Kabhi Tum was internationally acclaimed and fans of the drama loved to hate her. He was a charming villain whom people loved till the end. Imad spoke to India Today about the success of Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum and the love he received.
Pakistan and India are two countries that never see eye to eye but love to see each other’s content. Till last month, Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum was trending both in Pakistan and India and everyone was drooling over Mustafa and Sharjeena. Imad Irfani spoke to India Today about the relationship between India and Pakistan and he has an analogy with Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum.
Imad Irfani said that India and Pakistan are like Adeel and Mustafa from Kabhi Mai Kabhi Tum. They grow up in the same house but never see eye to eye. He said that the countries are like two brothers who have their own paths.
Imad Irfani said: