Establishment Osman 180. Episode Trailer

Establishment Osman Episode 172 Trailer 27 November Presentation ATV

Establishment Osman 180. Episode Trailer

Osman Bey is preparing to make his first move with a great strategy as he moved to take back what he has lost and back the fire of the happy resurrection. Osman Bey, who did not submit to his enemies despite all the coups he received, continues to fight against determination. In this process, Yusuf and his Alps also support Osman Bey on the way to the happy resurrection by taking part in his side. However, Osman Bey faces Ulugan. The result of this war will determine the fate of not only Osman Bey, but the whole oba.

On the other hand, Bala Hatun and Hatuns act with Osman Bey and participate in the struggle for resurrection with their forces. However, this situation even fueled Begüm Hatun’s hostility. Begüm Hatun, who wants to take revenge on Bala Hatun, what kind of path will he follow? How will Osman and chicks deal with this new threat?

In the midst of all these struggles, Yusuf and the Alps fall into Lucas. Lucas, who wants to destroy the hope of resurrection of Osman Bey and his obas, is prepared to execute Yusuf in the arena in front of the Turks. When this news reaches Osman Bey, he takes action without wasting time. It is a matter of curiosity how Lucas will establish a game to bring his plans into the water.


Will Osman be able to defeat his enemies and save Yusuf? Or will Yusuf be a martyr? Moments full of great struggle and excitement are waiting for the audience in the new episode!



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