Facial Qureshi is a prominent Pakistani actor and television host. He has been praised for his versatile performances in numerous pragmatic performances like Toba Tek Singh, my son-in-law Zarah-de Benashan, Bashar Momin, Makadar, Fatour, and Khai’s Bota. He is currently praising AAN TV for hosting the Spring E Ramadan transmission.
Recently, Philosal Qureshi talked about defeating his fellow actors on the basis of his performance in the plays.
Talking about it, Felsal Qureshi said, “I mean, if I am an actor, should I start killing other actors who are just like me in the field to get ideas? No, why will I do this? I just criticize or deal with other actors to highlight myself and feel high? Allah loves those who love others and love others. The link to the video is:
aantvpk MAUS VU VASR ADAAAURWAU BRAA AIK RVI daily at 3:00 pm “Bihar-Ramadan” only watch on AANTV. #Aantv #baharraman #faysalquraishi #Ramadan 2025
He spoke more against the actors’ porn videos made by the AI. “Now, what they are doing, they are crazy, they make our fake porn videos, they make fake porn videos. People send us and when did you do it and we are soundless.” The link to the video is:
Facial Qureshi has condemned the act and was very upset over the inappropriate behavior of desperate fans.