Far City Episode 5 Trailer

Far City Episode 4 Trailer 2 December Presentation Kanal D

Far City Episode 5 Trailer

Alya resists the difficulties that await her by rejecting Cihan’s marriage condition. However, Cihan does not withdraw his complaint against Albora, causing Alya to be referred to court. Learning that Cihan did not accept the marriage proposal, Sadakat makes a move that will put Alya in a difficult situation, but this angers Alya even more. Meanwhile, Demir tries to persuade Alya to take advantage of the situation she is in and cooperate with him and the Baybars, the enemies of the Albora family. Whether Alya accepts this offer or not will change the course of events.

On the other hand, Ecmel Albora continues his plans to overthrow Cihan in order to make his son Şahin the leader of the family. Ecmel, who closes trade routes and threatens companies, drags Cihan into a great impasse. Cihan struggles to find out what the power behind his uncle Ecmel is and who is hindering his work.

Alya’s chance of being reunited with her son and being free depends on her accepting Cihan’s conditions. Otherwise, Alya will go to prison and will have to say goodbye to her son.


Cast of the TV Series
The TV series “Uzak Şehir” includes experienced actors such as Ozan Akbaba, Sinem Ünsal, Gonca Cilasun, Müfit Kayacan. In the series, which attracts attention with its young and talented cast, each character connects the audience to the screen with a deep story.



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