Hamza Ali Abbasi reads goodbye, Internet has gone crazy.

Hamza Ali Abbasi reads goodbye, Internet has gone crazy.

Hamza Ali Abbasi There is a man of many skills. He will also sing, process, make food and play.
He remained active in politics for a while.

But this time he presented the responsibility of goodness, and people reacted.

In dramas is known for their star performances Pierre AfzalFor, for, for,. Main mayaL and famous Alif The actor has recently disrupted a ceremony.

In a joint viral on Instagram by a photographer, the actor played a new role in the Nakah Office, which organized the whole event.


He recited the verses of the Quran to announce the Haqqa seal, representing the groom.

As expected, the Internet certainly has some ideas. People have burst the internet with feedback.

Social media users jumped quickly and responded with comments. The answer was a spectrum of laughter and thunderstorms.

Someone asks Hamza Ali Abbasi whether he can perform his goodness as well.

One user commented, “Such a beautiful religious scholar, also offers my goodness.

Another criticism said that the actors are now performing Nika.

Although some fans liked the move, and for example, the powerful example of normalizing religious duties in everyday life, the other raised their eyebrows.

Critics argued that Nakah is a serious religious duty that should be performed by appropriate scholars.
He criticized that he did not have the knowledge he needed to handle such a sacred event, regardless of his celebrity.

Most cultural sensitivity is associated with it, thus the actors should stick to their profession.

“Actors should stick to their profession. Nakah is a serious religious duty, and someone should perform any properly trained.

But if honestly, we see that Hamza did not claim to be Maulana instead, he only stepped in for his best friend’s big day. Do we really need to create a dispute with it?



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