Facial Qureshi is an actor and host who has worked in some of the most famous projects to get out of the Pakistani drama industry. He has been loved by many people, he is regular in the hosting scene of Pakistan. He is hosting the Ramadan transmission this year and the children of the children have been criticized for the jokes that the star has burst into child star Hem Khan.
Hem Khan is a child star who is participating in the children’s class this year and is being loved for his beautiful smile and confidence. However, Netzines are concerned that the little man is not protected from the classic sense of humor by Felil Qureshi. They feel that the star is trolling the baby and that’s not right. Bodybuilding jokes need to be stopped.
The latest in the trolling crowd has bothered the audience:
The Internet believes that Qureshi needs to stop Little Hem Khan from bullying. It is not right to make a body sham or make fun of his voice and the child’s parents should be vigilant. The Internet says it is: