Sima Qureshi is a senior actress who has recently appeared in the FHM pod cast. He talked about loyalty, marriage and what is going wrong in our society. It shared a very controversial choice on women’s income and went viral on social media. Everyone had something to say about it and he was criticized.
Sima said that the income of men is a good one than women. This was what he said during his appearance:
Hina Ashfaq is an actress and model we have seen in dramas and ads. She was also a guest in the FHM podcast and agreed with Sima Qureshi’s position. Although Sima has received a lot of reaction, it seems that Hina agrees.
“Yes, one men and women can earn one, but a man is more capable of managing the money than a woman,” Hina said. She doesn’t know how religious lessons work in this matter but she thinks that a man knows what to buy and what not when women spend just freely on everything and don’t care that How to manage it better.
Hannah said: