Aiza Khan and Danish Timor are among the most famous actors in Pakistan, praising their extraordinary performances and their successful marriage life.
Both of them have a lot of popularity on social media and happiness has been married for a decade. Together, they have a strong relationship and are the proud parents of two dear children, Horen and Ryan.
In a recent appearance at Danish Timor’s show, Aiza Khan was given a heartfelt tribute by her husband.
In a viral clip of the show, Aiza admitted that when the Danish looks at her, she is nervous and ashamed. At one point, he even openly told him to see and see him, saying that when he was watching him, he felt difficult to talk.
Iiza more joint, “I am blowing in front of the Danish. My brain is empty, and I work stupid.
During the conversation, Danish gave remarks with humor, “When I am around, he can forget things, but as a parent, we have both responsibilities. The moment God blessed us with the children, we knew that it was our duty. Ija was more responsible, but I would say more responsible.
Considering his journey, Danish Timor said, “Praise be to Allah, we are now married and have children. It’s been ten years of marriage, but we have been together for 16 years.
Lust With a smile, “You can count the days that we break because we blocked each other’s numbers for a while. But we never really had a history – we just liked each other. There were breakups on the way, but Danish sent a suggestion directly.
The fans of the two artists enjoyed this special appearance of Aisa at the Danish show. Many people believe that the couple should transmission together on the next Ramadan.