Instagram has introduced the dislike button for comments

Instagram has introduced the dislike button for comments

Instagram is getting a feature that has never been seen on this photo -sharing app.

According to the technology website, the dislike button will appear on videos and posts, but initially, this feature will be limited to comments only.

Users will be allowed to use this dislike button, but this button will be kept secret, which means other people will not be able to see the disapproval. However, the commentator will be accessed to the user and the posting user.

This feature will appear on both posts and videos, however, in the early stages, the dislike button is likely to be limited to comments only.


Moreover, the special thing about this button is that unwanted information will be confidential.

Disappointment will not appear for ordinary users, only commentators and post owners will be able to learn about it.

In addition, the username of the dislike will not be disclosed, which is being positively viewed.

In this regard, the head of Instagram has confirmed that the dislike button is being tested and more users will be provided with access to it soon.

The purpose of introducing the dislike button is to identify users that their comment has been found to be unpleasant by others, which will help improve the environment on the social media platform, he said.



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