Famous Pakistani fashion designer Maria B and the march criticized, calling it a march for failed women.
Recently, Maria B, who is a strong opponent of homosexuality, shared a video on Instagram. In the video, Maria expressed her views openly about the recent and march in Lahore.
On February 12, a march was held in Lahore on the occasion of National Women’s Day. This march was not only women but also members of minority gender groups.
Commenting on a recent march, Dead In a recent video he presented his opposing views.
“I didn’t find the logic of this march. Maria said, “I feel like some miscreants are doing for some agenda.”
Maria B said March as ‘Fail March’, as she said that people had rejected it.
This was the march of “failed women” who expressed hatred of successful women. Maria added that people have strongly rejected the stance.
Referring to criticism and play cards against her and actress Mashi Khan in March, Maria B said the participants’ behavior reflects her upbringing.
He added that the people of Pakistan had already rejected the March and March, but the organizers had not yet realized it.
Criticizing the organizers, he remarked, “We have understood that you are being paid and financing to work on a particular agenda.”
He said that following Islamic principles, Pakistani women want to be free and successful.
Commenting on Maria B’s video, Mashi Khan said, “Thank you, Maria B, you gave them a great answer.”