Mashi Khan’s family is interesting

Mashi Khan's family is interesting

Mashi Khan is an actress, host and worker. She raises her voice about everything in the country and she likes to give her opinion publicly. The star appeared on a pod cast of Ahmed Fuzan and nowadays talked about everything from General Z to trends. He also had a lot to say about internet battles and family blogging.

Mashi Khan said she follows the Internet blogs and content. He once again attacked Ducky’s brother’s material when he said he watched many videos through Zaid Ali and Sham Idrees during the day. He has enjoyed these sketches, but with Ducky’s brother’s proud language, he was left. He added that even about kidnapping people, even bullying is something that needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

Mashi Khan's family is interesting

That’s what he said:


He also had a lot to say about Family Volugers. She was quite open and she had a very interesting success in the whole situation.

Mashi Khan's family is interesting

Mashi Khan's family is interesting

Mashi Khan said he was not against family blogging. If people are looking at it, make content but for your family members using the language of abusive or cheap jokes are something they will never condole with it and they will never stand for it. She wants all the family Wilgers to be decent about the content they are posting and treating family members.

Mashi Khan's family is interesting

Listen to his point of view:



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