Mehmed Fatah Sultan of the 39th episode trailer

Mehmed Sultan of Conquests Episode 26 Trailer New Episode Trailer

Mehmed Fatah Sultan of the 39th episode trailer

The Ottoman army came to an irreversible point in the siege of Constantine. Sultan Mehmed accelerates the preparations for executing ships from land by putting his great move, which will change the course of the war. While Çandarlı questioned the risks of this move, Zağanos gives full support. Byzantine, on the other hand, is in a difficult situation against this unexpected strategy.

As the tension in the city climbs, the dispute between Constantine, Francesco and Notaras increases. While the people’s morale is broken, Genadius tries to turn this chaos in their favor. However, the biggest blow comes from inside; When Demetrios appeared to have established a secret alliance with the Ottomans, he was arrested and brought before Constantine. Shaken by the betrayal of his brother, Constantinos took him into the dungeon while Maria took action to save Demetrios.

Sultan Mehmed further strengthens the siege with a critical diplomatic interview with Gio, the Galata Consul. As the Ottoman balls began to beat the Byzantine walls, the Shahi balls collapsed from the inside. While drawing attention to the risks of Çandarlı strategy, Mehmed applies all his decisions with determination.


Finally, the big attack starts! As the Ottoman army was loaded into the city walls, the defense of the city gradually weakened. Constantinos embarked on a great struggle against both the betrayal and the overwhelming power of the Ottoman Empire.



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