Meme Se Mohabbat finally started on Hum TV and it marks the return of Ahad Raza Mir to television after 2 years. The drama is another story of Farhat Ishtiaq who recently gave the blockbuster Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum. The show has a solid cast and Asif Raza Mir is also seen with his son. The first episode established the characters and how they behave in their lives.
Ahad Raza Mir plays the role of a single father who is raising a child. She may not have a blood child but her character is mature and the kind of initiation and bond she shows with the child actor on screen is great. His fans are not disappointed and look forward to more of the story.
Ahad Raza Mir is receiving compliments of love from the meme:
Danier Mubeen plays the role of Roshi who is portrayed as a carefree girl who is not interested in pursuing further education. She is a ball of energy and her entire family is worried about her.
People are not happy with his character and performance and think that his character is exaggerated. This is the first episode and it will continue. Here’s what people had to say: