Mikal Zulfiqar is a very famous Pakistani actor who is known for his charming and remarkable performances in numerous hit plays. Its notable dramas, such as your Murzi, Fraud, Pansi Love, Deershawar, Diyar Dal, Coach Love, were also also a pagan, companion, and many. Mikal is currently single and is raising his two lovely daughters with love and care. Earlier, she was married to Sarah Bhatti, but eventually the two separated separate routes.
Recently, Mikal Zulfiqar was the guest of Sean Sahwar, hosted by Yasir. During the show, a fan named Erm called and boldly suggested Mikal, and expressed his deep appreciation.
The caller said, “Aslamo Alecum, Nada. How are you today, you have invited Mical Zulfar. I like him very much! I am his dye hard fan, and I want to marry him, but I don’t know how. Please tell me what I want to marry because I really want to do.
After receiving an unexpected proposal in her direct show, Nada Yasir immediately removed the call and asked Mical Zulfiqar to respond. Macal replied, “Such things should not be talked about on the phone. When I meet you, I will answer, but I am in flattery.