NASA warns of 100m Teenagrara near Earth at a speed of 61,200 km per hour

NASA warns of 100m Teenagrara near Earth at a speed of 61,200 km per hour

NASA says the risk is coming to the ground, with a speed of more than 61 thousand kilometers per hour, and has 500 nuclear bombs.

Only 2 months have passed since 2025 this year and for many years various predictions have been made about the destruction of the land.

Many times, the decision was also told, but our land was always safe.

However, this time this claim was made by NASA scientists themselves, which has led to concern all over the world.


Scientists have sensationally reported that there is a “teens of 2024 YR4” coming from space, which will pass so close to the Earth in December 2032, it is likely that it also affected the earth Can be

US space agency NASA has given some news about the 2024 YR4, which can give some comfort.

If it is hitting Earth at a speed of 61,200 km / h, which is hit by our planet, then destruction is sure, however, according to NASA, to a great extent in the possibility of this Earth’s Kishor. The decline has decreased.

This is about 100 meters wide, named 2024, named 2024 years. Its movement towards the earth is 38 thousand miles or 61 thousand 200 km per hour.

It is traveling at a speed of 17 km per second and will come very close to December 2034.

If this temptation collides with the land environment or falls on any part of it, there will be a horrific explosion.

It will have about 88 million tonnes of energy, which will lead to 500 times more devastation than a nuclear bomb drop in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which will destroy everything within a 50 km circle.



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