Nepra will assess the refund of Rs 1.3 to consumers.

Nepra will assess the refund of Rs 1.3 to consumers.

The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) submitted a request to Nepra to refund Rs 1.3 per unit to consumers under the December fuel price adjustment.

According to CPPA, 7 billion 51 crore 60 lakh units of electricity were supplied to discos in December. Fuel price per unit of electricity in December was Rs 9.60 while the cost estimate was Rs 10.63 per unit.

The CPPA says the application will be heard on January 30.

According to the Central Power Purchasing Agency, in December 22.80 percent of electricity was generated from hydropower and 10.06 percent from local coal.


According to CPPA, 1.59% of electricity was generated from imported coal, 0.03% from furnace oil, 12.31% from indigenous gas and 20.70% from LNG.

The Central Power Purchasing Agency said that 26.48 percent of electricity was generated from nuclear sources in December.



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