New Uzbekistan: Implementation of foreign experience in the system of presidential educational institutions

New Uzbekistan: Implementation of foreign experience in the system of presidential educational institutions

By Sivara Shakirova

The attitude towards education and science in Uzbekistan has completely changed. In particular, systematic, sustained and comprehensive measures are being taken to develop pre-schools, general secondary and higher education, and research institutions. In this regard, many important decrees, resolutions and programs are being approved.

The agency system of special educational institutions, created on the personal initiative of the head of state, currently includes 14 presidential schools, 9 creative schools, 2 sports schools, 185 special schools and boarding schools, Namingan State Institute of Foreign Languages. After New Uzbekistan” and “Iskukhon Abarat”, Scientific and Practical Center for Pedagogical Excellence and International Assessment, State Institution “Center for Subject Olympiad” and Children’s Health Camp. “Renaissance”.

In the 2023/2024 academic year, 319 people graduated from presidential schools, 263 people from creative schools, and 5,868 people from special schools.


Notably, 65 percent of presidential school graduates (206 individuals) were granted early admission to prestigious foreign universities. Also in the 2023/2024 academic year, students from schools in our system participated in 12 international and regional subject Olympiads, winning 6 gold, 17 silver and 34 bronze medals.

All the creative schools of the system entered the top ten based on the results of the entrance exams to the higher educational institutions of the Republic in the 2024/2025 academic year. Of course, these achievements are the result of the high attention paid to the education sector in our country, as well as the further improvement of the educational process in schools based on international cooperation.

This year, the agency has achieved significant results in the field of cooperation with prominent educational organizations around the world. Specifically, a one-week scientific conference for executive and academic directors of presidential schools as well as foreign and domestic teachers of STEM subjects. And practical training was arranged, to familiarize oneself with the new programs offered by the Cambridge International Educational Organization. For the 2025/2027 academic year, teaching methods, and laboratory work.

The special school named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi in Nizam has successfully passed the first phase of implementation of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) program, and the process of preparing for accreditation has been completed.

It should be noted that an agreement has been signed between our agency and the Scientific and Practical Center for Pedagogical Excellence and International Assessment of the IB organization.

Also in May-June this year, the agency and the Korean Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan held the “Incheon Education Festival”. The “Education of Natural Sciences” festival to be held on August 13-14 aims to ensure the participation of youth in special international programs, projects and competitions focusing on modern professions by conducting practical classes based on natural and exact sciences. was Comprehensive support for building creativity, as well as a system of generating creative ideas among teachers, and developing skills to present them to students, linking them to practice.

Apart from this, there was a discussion between the management of the agency and the delegations of foreign countries on the issues of cooperation in the field of education. In particular, during negotiations with the International Education Organization of the United States of America, an agreement on cooperation to improve the study and activities of presidential, creative, special schools and boarding schools, to raise the quality of education in schools. Determined. a high level.

For reference, international education organization Cognia currently reaches over 25 million students and over 1 million teachers in nearly 80 countries and serves more than 36,000 educational institutions. In particular, the organization promotes high standards in school accreditation, certification, evaluation, research, educational quality improvement, provision of quality educational resources, as well as professional development and competency of teachers through online and in-person platforms. Provides professional services.

The agency arranged a meeting with Yoo Taek Lee, Executive Director of International Departments at Woosung University in the Republic of Korea, and Seung Joon Lee, General Manager of the Digital Campus Program.

A memorandum of understanding was also signed between the agency and Sungkyunkwan University in the Republic of Korea, whereby the university plans to allocate grants for 100% and 50% of tuition fees for students in agency schools in the 2025 academic year. .

Representatives from the Republic of Korea’s Incheon Metropolitan City Education Office visited our system’s schools and learned about educational programs, assessment systems, and student-created projects in fields such as advanced information technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

In addition, Hungarian Ambassador to Uzbekistan József Roza visited the special boarding school No. 1 in the city of Karshi, which is part of our agency. The Hungarian Ambassador got acquainted with the activities of the school and appreciated the conditions created for the education of young students here.

British scientists visited the Presidential School in Bukhara. During the visit, professors Simon Thomson and Marcelo Starikov of the University of Sussex, as well as Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Rector Bukhhir Mamorov had a sincere conversation with the teachers and students of the Presidential School. The guests spoke in detail about the higher education system and educational programs in the UK.

It should be noted that, in the agency’s collaboration with international partners, priority should be given to issues such as effective organization of the educational process, student and teacher exchange programs, and curriculum development for teaching STEAM subjects and foreign languages ​​in the system’s schools. is given

Presidency schools have an important place among educational institutions in the agency system. For reference, for the 2024/2025 academic year, the 336 students who scored the highest marks in the entrance exams were admitted to the 5th grade of 14 presidential schools.

It should be noted that the number of young people who want to acquire modern knowledge is increasing every year. For example, 62,062 applications were submitted for admission to presidential schools this year for the new academic year, with an average of 185 people applying for a place. This is a clear indication that Presidential Schools, created on the special initiative and attention of our Head of State, have become a force in the field of education. In fact, today students of presidential schools operating in all regions of the republic are achieving remarkable results.

In the 2023/2024 academic year, 319 students graduated from presidential schools, of which 100% of graduates obtained international language proficiency certificates (the highest score is 8.5), 80% (255 people) passed the international SAT. Obtained the certificate (highest score is 1560 points). 70% of graduates showed a positive result in A-level exams at Cambridge (12% more than last year).

100% of the graduates of the Presidency Schools were given early admission to prestigious foreign universities.

In particular, Abdulaziz Soberov, a student of Tashkent’s Presidential School, was accepted to study at Harvard University, which is in the top-5 of international rankings, with a 100% grant of US$354,000, and Saifullah. Saidov was accepted to Princeton University. Which is in the TOP-20, with a grant of 350,000 USD. In addition, another 34 graduates secured 100 percent grants from various reputed universities.

Zulfiya Shmorotova, an 11th grade student at Khiva Presidency School, was awarded the Zulfiya State Prize in Education. In addition, a graduate of this school, Ogabek Yuldashov, was awarded the state award “Men of Oglon”.

In 2024, students of the Presidency School won a total of 10 medals (4 gold, 3 silver, 3 bronze) in prestigious international Olympiads such as Abu Ali Ibn Sino International Biology Olympiad, International Zautikov Olympiad, International Physics Olympiad. International Mathematical Olympiad, International Economics Olympiad and International Standards Olympiad.

Of course, these findings pave the way for new achievements in the education and upbringing of the young generation. In this direction, an action plan has been prepared, according to which Presidency schools will be converted to two semester curriculum. Thanks to this, the educational process will be adapted to the requirements of international standards and additional facilities will be created in the assessment process.

Collaboration will be established with international education organization Pearson-Edexcel, to conduct training seminars to digitize the learning and assessment process and improve the competence of teaching staff in Presidency schools.

IGCSE exams will also be introduced for Class IX students. This will help in early identification of gifted students, bridging existing gaps in academic performance and increasing the accountability of teachers and students.

The agency system also includes Yangi Uzbekistan, which effectively uses international cooperation links in the educational process.

In particular, in November, a delegation led by Christoph Stuckel, Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations of the State Chancellery of the Federal State of Bavaria, visited Yangi Uzbekistan University.

In the meeting, the members of the delegation got acquainted with the educational programs of the university aimed at imparting modern knowledge and skills to the students.

Exchange of students and teachers, establishment of cooperation in the field of joint scientific research and promotion of innovative educational programs were also discussed.

In addition, MIT J-WEL is one of the closest partners of Yangi Uzbekistan (New Uzbekistan) University. Bilateral cooperation helps to further improve the quality of education and capacity of the faculty, create wider opportunities for students and strengthen the authority of Yangi Uzbekistan University in the international arena.

An agreement was signed between Massachusetts Institute of Technology J-WEL and Yangi University of Uzbekistan, which gives university students the opportunity to undergo internships and improve their qualifications at the world’s No. 1 university. That is, students attend classes taught by MIT professors and teachers, conduct scientific research, develop their own projects, and conduct experiments in MIT laboratories.

Finally, it can be said that our country pays special attention to the development of science and education, creating a comprehensive and continuous system that comprehensively supports a family from birth to adulthood. does, and helps him find a worthy one. place in life. An active contribution in this process has also been made by the agency of special educational institutions, which work to nurture the young generation, who are capable of making a valuable contribution to the prosperity of our motherland.

As our nation’s president noted: “The more educated our children are when they leave school, the faster the high-tech economy will develop, and the more social problems will be solved. , if I say that the threshold of new Uzbekistan starts from school, I think all our people will support this idea.”

The author is the Deputy Director of the Presidential Agency. Educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



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