Pakistani woman went viral after divorcing dance

Pakistani woman went viral after divorcing dance

Celebrating divorce has become a new trend in Pakistan’s culture because instead of depriving himself after divorce, as modern women are now celebrating their independence after divorce with parties and dance.

Similarly, a social media influence, Izima Odsan, the mother of the three, identified the end of her divorce with dancing at a family event.

His video has gone viral on social media due to the song compatibility with his situation and people consider his views.

He, in the title of his video, also explained his decision and celebrated a significant change in his life.


In its title, Izima said that it aims to change the social notoriety that is affiliated with the only or divorced women in Pakistan society.

She wants to eliminate the image that divorced women are suffering from happiness and a new beginning.

The honor wrote that divorce in the Pakistani community, if asked the truth, is especially like the center of death for women. I was told that my life was over. I am sorry. My life is going down and happiness. Forget it The decision still comes. But what do you think? I danced through it. I laughed through it. Life is not as bad as I was told.

Ajima further wrote, “We act like a divorce, as it is a dirty word, when it should be seen what can happen, a new beginning. Yes, it is hard and heartbreaking, and yes, it is lonely, but being trapped in a wedding where you can’t breathe, I have never been able to enjoy a worse. And for my three children, this was the best decision for both of us.

“Marriage should be made on love and respect, not for fear of notoriety. I see that many Pakistani women sacrifice themselves just to avoid this” divorced “label. To them, I say: Your happiness is important. Peace (peace) matters. There is a tension for the pudding.



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