PKR conversion rate from Saudi riyal, March 3, 2025

Saudi riyal to PKR exchange rate - January 21, 2025

The PKR conversion rate from Saudi riyals is till March 3 that the Saudi Rial Exchange rate is 74.574.5757474 in Pakistan’s open market.

Saudi riyals now sell at a purchase rate of Rs 74.57 and a sale rate of Rs 75.09.

The exchange rate now reflects that the top remittances to Pakistan are Saudi Arabia.

Here a large number of Pakistani immigrants exchange rials or send them back home.


Saudi Arabia’s official currency Saudi rialIs usually allocated as SAR.

100 halals are divided into a rial. 1,000 Saudi rials in Pakistani rupee can be exchanged at Rs 74.574.574 .57074.570.

These calculations take into account the current open market exchange rate of Pakistan, which is equivalent to Rs 74.574.574.574.

It is easy for people to change their Saudi riyal while traveling to Pakistan.

SARPs from PKR Exchange services are offered through banks and exchange companies all over the country.

This facility also helps passengers and immigrants also get the maximum potential profit on their money and keep an eye on the fluctuations in exchange rates.

For those who handle foreign currencies daily, buying and selling rates are very important.



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