Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is an amazing and talented Pakistani model and actor. He rose to fame through popular Pakistani dramas like Bhol, Lok Kya Kahege, Ratta Ratta and Betty. Saheefa Jabbar Khattak started her career with modeling and is still doing it successfully. Nowadays, fans are loving his drama serial More Piya.
Author Jabbar Khattak has recently shared his detailed opinion on the situation in the country. He also expressed his concern over the shutdown of internet and social media applications in Pakistan.
Sahifa Jabbar Khattak shared a series of posts in which she complained about systems, basic needs, smog, and internet chaos. The actor said that he needs internet connection in the washroom and this is a serious problem as the internet shutdown is affecting his business. Read all the posts she shared on her Instagram:
A social media user also gave a strong response to the popular Pakistani actor and model. He also re-shared his story and replied, “People like you shouldn’t have internet”.
The actress is facing severe public backlash on social media for her indifference regarding the current situation in the country. Many believe that the showbiz community is extremely apathetic and needs to understand the power of its voice in such a situation. Read the comments: