Shahzad Nawaz called out the paid critics.

Shahzad Nawaz called out the paid critics.

Shahzad Nawaz is a branding expert, actor and writer. He is known for his style and screen presence. The star became a household name after appearing as Asif Uncle in Main Main. He became everyone’s favorite television dad and his character was the most prominent throughout the show.

Shahzad Nawaz talks to Ambrin Fatima about her work, industry and critics. He said that according to him, his drama was very good because it got a lot of likes and ratings while it was on air. He also had something to say to the critics.

Shahzad Nawaz called out the paid critics.

He said that one who is paid to be a critic cannot be his critic. They cannot criticize their plays and they only take the audience’s opinion seriously. Anyone who doesn’t want to watch his dramas can easily skip them.


Shahzad Nawaz called out the paid critics.

Shahzad Nawaz had this to say:



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