Shehryar Manowar’s wife dress price will surprise you.

Shehryar Manowar's wife dress price will surprise you.

Shahryar Manoor and Maheen Siddiqui just tied the knot and they looked gorgeous at all their events. The couple’s wedding was covered on social media and the outfits they wore, the guests and the decorations, everything was discussed by the star’s fans and the latest topic of discussion was her Barat day bridal dress. is

The couple chose Faraz Manan for their barat and now the price of the bridal dress is causing quite a stir. Maheen Siddiqui’s dress reportedly cost Rs 60 lakh for the day and she certainly looked radiant on her big day.

Shehryar Manowar's wife dress price will surprise you.

Shehryar Manowar's wife dress price will surprise you.


6 million price tag has shocked the public as people wonder how expensive these traditional dresses can be. However, Maheen Siddiqui really did justice to the outfit and looked gorgeous.

Source: Today News English



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