Shysta Lodhi about their sacrifices for the betterment of children

Shysta Lodhi about their sacrifices for the betterment of children

Shest Lodhi is an excellent Pakistani television host, actress, doctor, and business woman. It has hosted a number of hit -earning shows, leading Pakistani channels, including Geo, Ari and PTV. He also tried his fate in acting and was praised as an actor. Its famous plays include Wada, Prades and Samjhaota. Shysta Lodhi is also a co -host of the Jato Pakistan League in Ramadan every year. She also has a official YouTube channel where she casts pods.

Recently, Shysta Lodhi appeared at the 365 Entertainment Show, hosted by Aisha Omar. On the show, he talked about his sacrifices for his children to improve the lifestyle.

Shysta Lodhi about their sacrifices for the betterment of children

Shysta Lodhi about their sacrifices for the betterment of children


Talking about my children, the Shest Lodhi said, “All three of my children are the pillars of my strength. Sometimes, I am sorry that if I had done less, I could have spent more time with them. There is no bitterness among their personalities. I have to make sacrifices now. “The link to the video is:



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