Sushil Kumar claims that Sharakh Khan and Salman Khan will die soon

Sharukh Khan and Salman Khan will die soon, Sushil Kumar claimed

Roast Kumar, An astrologer, a specialist, wristwatch, and logo analysts have predicted the death of Indian superstar Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.

The Sushil is known for bringing knowledge and experience on the table, and according to reports, he has made a controversial prediction about two Indian superstars.

He claimed that Shah Rukh Khan is in the good time of his life while Salman Khan will pass through a very bad patch in 2025,2026 and 2027.

In addition, ‘both superstar Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan will die at the age of 67,’ Kumar claims.


The two superstars are still 59 years old. According to astrologers, they have eight more years to survive.

The prediction mobilized the fans and declared it crazy. Some people said sarcastically, “Can an astrologer predict his future”

Most media outlets described astronomy as a way for attention.

According to Indian media reports, the two superstars have not yet responded to the predictions of astrologers as they are busy in future future projects.

Shah Rukh Khan is currently busy preparing for his daughter Shawana Khan with his next film, King.

The film production will begin in March 2025, while the film is set to release globally in 2026.

Meanwhile, Salman Khan is ready for his new film Alexander Set to release this Eid.



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