Teşkilat Episode 128 2nd Trailer

Teşkilat Episode 128 2nd Trailer

Teşkilat Episode 128 2nd Trailer

The Order In the second trailer of the 128th episode of the series, scenes full of excitement and tension await the audience. Altay is blocked by an unknown attacker and tries to catch this person to access the stolen data. Neslihan maintains her trust in Altay and believes that the mission will be completed successfully. Meanwhile, President Akif orders Korkut to end the operation; However, Korkut reports an unexpected development. Reaching the Queen through Levent, Korkut and Hamdi are asked to head the table, which creates new dynamics that will change the course of the operation. Neslihan and Altay develop new strategies to learn the Queen’s ultimate goal and be one step ahead of the enemy.



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