The Planning Commission has warned about growing unemployment in Pakistan

unemployment in Pakistan

Unemployment in Pakistan has come to light after the lack of business activities by economists due to lack of business activities.

A recent report by Pakistan’s Planning Commission states that unemployment is at 7 % level in the country, which is higher than India and Bangladesh.

The ongoing crisis has increased some urgent need for economic recovery and sustainable job opportunities.

The main reason for the deteriorating employment situation in Pakistan is the increase in cost of production, which is a direct result of extremely expensive electricity, gas and heavy taxes.


This causes hundreds of industries and millions of unemployment to be stopped.

In the meantime, the daily wages can be lined up on busy Karachi traffic signals, in which they are harassed without any job for them.

Manufacturers are also worried about the increasing problems of production and running business in such situations.

Economic analyst Osama Rizvi pointed out that in less than a year of large -scale manufacturing, a large number of textile mills had already been shut down, which made it a far more dangerous personality for four and a half million unemployed youths. I have participated.

He proposed that Pakistan need strict economic reforms, which should attract industries to the purposes of the purposes, attract investment and create jobs.

According to the Planning Commission report, if unemployment is to be dealt with effectively, Pakistan needs to create at least 1.5 million jobs every year.

Without reform and improvement in political and economic land, the unemployment rate will continue to increase, which will further enhance the reduction of jobs among the ongoing economic misery.

Experts say Pakistan’s economy can only be cured through government intervention, industry restoration and employment opportunities.



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