Jannat Mirza is the most successful ticket from Pakistan. He also has an important fan on Instagram. Her sister Aliba Anjum is also a social media star and is seen making both events and her content, as well as verification of products. The jinn also started with a Syed Noor film in his film film and has shut down the drama.
Gennat Mirza was a guest with his family at Sean E. Sehwar and talked about not signing any plays. He revealed that the dramas had some problems. She would like to sign a play, but she is in fact afraid of PIA and airline accidents she has seen in many years. She doesn’t want to travel to Karachi by plane because she is afraid of domestic flights and all the plays have been shot there.
It also revealed that usually there is a great time to sign the drama and that is why she does not want to play. She likes to live in Faisalabad where her family is living and she cannot travel more than Karachi. Even she was afraid of a flight to Karachi, which she had taken to attend Shan E.
What Jinnat Mirza said is: