Pakistan has requested to comply with UNSC resolution to eliminate chemical weapons in Syria

Pakistan has requested to comply with UNSC resolution to eliminate chemical weapons in Syria

New York: Pakistan told the Security Council on Friday that new interim authorities in Syria have created an opportunity to get rid of the country with chemical weapons and ensure compliance with the chemical weapons Convention (CWC).

In a debate on the Middle East (Syria/Chemical Weapons) on Friday, “everyone should take advantage of the current opportunity to address residual problems in Syria.”

He added, “We urge the Syrian chemical weapons as soon as possible, as a way forward to close the file of the Syrian chemical weapons file, with the ongoing dialogue, cooperation and fully compliance with the CWC and the Security Council solution.”

Under this resolution, Syria needed to be fully announced and destroyed under the supervision of the chemical weapons (OPCW) under the chemical weapons organization, and the results were warned under the UN Charter Chapter VII, which tackled threats to international peace and security.


Since Syria joined the CWC in 2013, chemical weapons Dogg has repeatedly raised concerns about the accuracy and completion of its announcements.

In his remarks, Ambassador Akram said that Pakistan condemns the use of chemical weapons by anybody, anywhere, anywhere.

“We consider the chemical weapons convention a pillar of controlling global weapons and cleansing of weapons,” he said, adding that Pakistan is to advance the CWC’s goals and maintain OPCW’s effectiveness, impartiality and its procedure for the protection of its procedure. “

“We support the CWC’s universal restriction and its continued efforts to implement its full, effective and non -discriminatory treatment.”

At the same time, Ambassador Akram said that Pakistan supports Syria’s stability through a comprehensive, Syrian property and Syrian -led political process providing facilities by the United Nations, and emphasized the need to maintain Syria’s unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He said that terrorists should not be allowed to access weapons of mass destruction, including the provisions of the Security Council’s resolution 1540 (2004), including chemical weapons.

In order to secure Syrian chemical weapons locations and to cooperate with the OPCW, the Pakistani envoy to resolve long -standing questions and make the OPCW free and urgently confirmed any threat to resolve the long -standing questions and eliminate chemical weapons in Syria.

Ambassador Akram added, “We emphasize all the outstanding issues related to Syria and the restoration of Syria and the consensus within the Council on the protection of peace and security in the region.”

Briefing the 15 -member council, the UN top representative to unarmed affairs, Ezumi Nikamitiso, welcomed the steps taken by the country’s new authorities to engage with the OPCW and served towards full compliance with international law.



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