United Nations: Officials confirmed on Saturday that Pakistan had agreed to the Fifth Committee of the UN General Assembly to finance the newly established office of a special envoy to counter Islamophobia.
The resolution on the amended budget estimates was adopted without voting during the closing session of the first part of the 79th UNGA.
In the UN mission, Pakistan’s first secretary, Jabran Khan Durrani, presented a national statement, thanked the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), G77 and China, and other international partners for their support.
He noted that the result reflects the success of collective diplomacy and participation. During the committee’s debates, Pakistan played a central role as an important negotiator.
The resolution ensures that the special envoy’s office on combating Islamophobia will work for the 1st month.
The envoy’s mandate will include the growing surveillance, reporting and suggestions of Islamic phobic trends globally and supporting the United Nations’ wider efforts against religious intolerance.
It is a milestone for Pakistan’s multinational engagement in adoption, after which after a successful pressure to nominate Islam as an international day to deal with Islamophobia on March 15.